
Hillsboro Christian Academy provides a Christian Education to the Highland County and surrounding area.
We invite you to enroll your students by following the steps below.

School Visit: We encourage all families to schedule a tour of the school and meet with the administration. This will help provide you with greater insight and give you the ability to make a sound decision.
To schedule a visit call the school office at 937-393-8422 or email us at hca.office@hcaoh.org
Tuition & Financial Aid:
The Educational Choice Expansion Scholarship (EdChoice) Program is an income-based program that offers private school scholarships to students whose families have a lower income.
The Educational Choice Traditional Scholarship (EdChoice) Program provides students from designated public schools the opportunity to attend participating private schools.
Click on the link below to learn more about the Ohio EdChoice Scholarship program:
EdChoice Scholarship Program information
EdChoice Scholarship Request Form
EdChoice Scholarship Renewal Form

Acceptance: After we recieve your application, obtain all needed documents, HCA will send a records request to obtain transcripts. Once that is completed you will be contacted with assignment specific instructions for your child(ren) to attend.